Breastfeeding could lead to lower BMI in mothers even several years later

Even long after the birth of the offspring, breastfeeding has a positive influence on the mother’s weight. Researchers from the University of Oxford found this out in a wide-ranging study. It is already known that breastfeeding ensures that young mothers can reduce their weight more quickly after pregnancy. However, a UK study, conducted with 740,000 […]

Are there male contraceptive pills? There could be a breakthrough

During the development of the male contraceptive pill, there have been problems for a long time for which no solution seemed in sight. However, scientists at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, have apparently made a breakthrough. The team discovered that the JQ1 molecule reaches the site of sperm development via the blood and […]

Cell phone radiation promotes ADHD syndrome during pregnancy

Radiation from cell phones can cause ADHD. This is the result of animal experiments in which researchers from the American University of Yale exposed pregnant mice to radio waves. For the experiment, the researchers divided 53 pregnant mice into two groups. They attached a switched-on mobile phone to the cage of one group, while the […]

Diabetes can lead to erectile dysfunction

Diabetes is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction in men. The connection usually remains unrecognized because those affected do not want to talk to their doctor out of shame. Early treatment can prevent consequential damage. Potency problems can always occur and should not worry you. However, if you suffer from erectile dysfunction […]

Gentle contraceptive pills: Mini-pill used while breastfeeding

In contrast to conventional birth control and micro pills, the mini pill does not contain estrogen, but only the hormone progestin. As a result, it represents a much smaller intervention in the hormone balance of the body. The mini pill was developed primarily as a contraceptive during breastfeeding, as the estrogen in conventional pills can […]

Sexual arousal reduces disgust during sex

Although typical side effects of sex such as sweat, semen, saliva and body odors can trigger disgust, this feeling decreases in women with sexual arousal. This is the result of a Dutch study. Using 90 subjects, the researchers at the University of Groningen found that sexual arousal significantly lowers the disgust threshold in women: “Sex […]

Study: children of older mothers do not get sick more often

Contrary to previous assumptions, children of older mothers are not sick more often later in life than others. This is the result of a study by researchers headed by Mikko Myrskylä from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock. So far, doctors have assumed that the children of mothers who give birth later […]

Unpleasant smells during pregnancy: the nose becomes more sensitive

Nose sensitivity is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. If you are particularly sensitive to unpleasant smells during pregnancy, you should be happy: a survey has confirmed that the sense of smell in pregnant women actually changes and thus helps to protect the unborn child. When food spoils, it often smells bad before it changes […]

Gentle caesarean section: what is it?

A caesarean section is a great strain on the body. Many pregnant women are particularly put off by the pain. The gentle caesarean section is gentler and prevents deep pain because only the upper layers of the skin are incised. In the conventional procedure, the pregnant woman’s abdomen is opened with a scalpel in order […]

Stretching pains due to the growth of the uterus

Pregnancy demands maximum performance from the body. The bigger the belly gets, the more frequent stretching pains occur. Here you can find out what causes the painful pulling and how you can relieve it. Stretching pain, also known as “mother ligament pain”, is not uncommon from the fourth month of pregnancy. The pain is particularly […]

Possible complications and negative effects of a caesarean section

A few decades ago, the caesarean section was still considered a risky procedure and was only performed in emergencies. Thanks to medical advances, the risks are manageable these days. However, health problems cannot be ruled out. The probability of dying in a cesarean section is almost three times higher than in vaginal births. However, at […]

Chemical solvents can trigger autism in children

Any individual that has a lot of contact with chemical solvents at work increases their risk of having an autistic child. At least that is what the results of a US study suggest, which scientists have now presented in the journal “Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders”. Of the 174 families that took part in […]

What happens during hormone treatment for reproductive health?

If a hormone imbalance stands in the way of having children, hormone treatment can be the solution. Find out how reproductive medicine can help unhappy couples here. The causes of unwanted childlessness are manifold and can only be determined by medical examinations. During the consultation, your doctor will ask how long you have wanted to […]

The cost of artificial insemination in Kenya, also in vitro fertilization (IVF)

After dating and getting married, what remains on a couple’s list is often childbearing, at least for most marriages.  Unfortunately, not every couple is lucky at conceiving. In some of the cases the man can’t fertilize while in other instances the lady is barren. Even when both are fertile, luck  may lack, which necessitates pursuance […]

Caesarean sections are very popular among Kenyan women today – wrongly so

A natural birth is painful and often involves risks for both mother and child. No wonder, then, that more and more pregnant women in Kenya are opting to give birth to their child by caesarean section. About half of caesareans are planned, the others are spontaneous – and many are unnecessary. According to the World […]

You should get pregnant at normal weight to prevent diabetes

The mother’s dietary habits and lifestyle can affect the child’s health even before pregnancy. Doctors advise getting pregnant at a normal weight to reduce the risk of diabetes for both mother and child. Women who want to have children should go into pregnancy with a normal weight if possible. Likewise, women should not eat for […]

Shortness of breath in pregnancy and control tips

Where does shortness of breath in pregnant women come from? As the abdomen grows, the diaphragm becomes more and more compressed, which can result in shortness of breath or shortness of breath. In the last trimester of pregnancy, almost every woman struggles with symptoms such as shortness of breath as the uterus presses more and […]

Dealing with pregnancy difficulties and discomforts

During pregnancy, many women have to deal with unpleasant side effects. Dealing with it is not always easy, because fatigue, gum pain or nausea can sometimes be very stressful. Common symptoms you have to expect during pregnancy The most common symptoms you have to expect during pregnancy include nausea and tiredness, especially in the first […]

Hot flashes during pregnancy and control tips

Hot flashes during pregnancy are common. This is due to the hormonal changes in the body. But you can do something about it. Many expectant mothers suffer from increased sweating, hot feet, sweating and hot flashes during pregnancy. It can get very uncomfortable, especially during a hot season, when temperatures are already rising and you […]

Bleeding gums during pregnancy and control tips

A common symptom of pregnancy is bleeding gums. It’s annoying, but it usually goes away after pregnancy. Check out the tips below for what you can do during this time. Especially in the first three months of pregnancy, the hormonal changes in the body are great, with the result that the tissue loosens and the […]