A common symptom of pregnancy is bleeding gums. It’s annoying, but it usually goes away after pregnancy. Check out the tips below for what you can do during this time.
Especially in the first three months of pregnancy, the hormonal changes in the body are great, with the result that the tissue loosens and the gums are often affected. The consequences are frequent bleeding gums and increased sensitivity to pain. In any case, you should now pay attention to careful dental care so that the symptoms do not get worse. Visit the dentist at the beginning of your pregnancy to have your teeth cleaned professionally to minimize the risk of premature birth, which is known to be increased by tooth decay and gingivitis.
Tips: bleeding gums during pregnancy
Brush your teeth after every meal and floss more frequently to thoroughly clean all spaces between your teeth. Use a brush that is as soft as possible to protect sensitive gums. Also, don’t eat too much acidic foods, as acid attacks tooth enamel and makes teeth more sensitive. If you have to vomit frequently, you should also brush your teeth more often, since the stomach acid also attacks the teeth. If this is not possible, for example because you would also vomit from brushing your teeth, you can alternatively rinse your mouth regularly with mouthwash. This eliminates bacteria and protects your gums from inflammation. Always wait at least half an hour after eating or vomiting before brushing your teeth, because the enamel is now most sensitive to the acids. Furthermore, you should pay more attention to a healthy diet, little sugar and a lot of calcium and vitamins are not only good for your gums, but also for the baby. Tip: Rinsing with sage or chamomile tea also helps against bleeding gums.