Little-known relationship: Eric Omondi praises Moses Kuria

Moses Kuria (left) and Eric Omondi (right). Source: Standard Media.

Going to his social media account, comedian Eric Omondi has heaped praises on former Gatundu MP Moses Kuria. The former legislator was recently nominated by President William Ruto to head the Trade ministry.

As the Cabinet Secretary for  Trade Investment and Industry, Hon Kuria is expected to enhance the success of local and foreign investors in Kenya. This role may have prompted Eric Omondi to remember how the former legislator had helped him in the past.

Eric Omondi revealed that Hon Moses Kuria had sponsored their trip to the the US: “This man Moses Kuria. Let me tell you a story. It is true that the things that a man does in secret shall be rewarded in broad daylight. Moses has been supporting me and a load of young people over the years. I remember 8 years ago when he sponsored our first USA tour with @chipukeezy to New York, Dallas and later Joined us in Vegas on Memorial day for our show.”

Eric Omondi also said that the CS called him more than once to encourage and advice him when he was opening Big Tym Productions. Moses Kuria has been hailed as a person that is in touch with youth struggling to succeed in their careers.

“When I opened my offices and Big Tyme Productions and so many people fought for its closure, Moses must have called me only a thousand and one times to Encourage and advise me,” wrote Eric.

Eric also noted that Moses Kuria has created employment opportunities for Kenyans through his TV station.

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