Female sterilization – a permanent contraceptive method for the ladies

Female sterilization means that you can never get pregnant again. The procedure is an operation in which the fallopian tubes are cut and closed. Female sterilization is a permanent procedure to prevent pregnancy. It works by surgically or nonsurgical blocking the fallopian tubes. There is a difference between surgical and nonsurgical sterilization? While the surgical […]

Gestational diabetes and what it means when you have it

Gestational diabetes occurs in about four percent of all expectant mothers. In most cases, the altered hormonal balance is to blame for this condition. Therefore, the blood sugar level usually regulates itself again after birth. Pregnancy hormones influence the metabolism of the mother-to-be, because both she and the child must be supplied with sufficient sugar. […]

Vaginal spasm – the treatment of vaginismus in Kenya

Vaginismus or vaginal spasm is a reflex cramping of the pelvic floor muscles. However, there are effective treatment methods that have changed fundamentally in recent years. According to the nhs.uk, Vaginismus is the body’s automatic reaction to the fear of some or all types of vaginal penetration. Whenever penetration is attempted, your vaginal muscles tighten […]

Erectile dysfunction treatment in Kenya and possible therapies

The causes of erectile dysfunction are diverse. The earlier the disorder is treated, the greater the chance of recovery. Which treatment option makes sense depends on the triggering factors. If there is an erectile dysfunction, it is usually treated with medication. For example, phosphodiesterase inhibitors can be used to ensure improved blood flow to the […]

Love and lust are similar – with slight differences

Pleasure activates a brain region that is also stimulated by other pleasurable experiences, such as good food. Love, on the other hand, activates the reward center in the brain, which is also closely linked to habits and addictions. Both of these areas respond to sensory perception. Love and lust have differences, but also striking similarities […]

Study: women suffer from Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy

Especially in the winter months, many pregnant women suffer from a lack of vitamin D. This can lead to complications during pregnancy and disturbances in the development of the child. In a cross-sectional study, a research team led by Clemens Kunz from the Institute of Nutritional Science at the University of Gießen examined the concentration […]

Does sex make us intelligent?

Sex is not only good for the relationship and the body – it apparently also increases intelligence. At least that’s the conclusion reached by researchers at the University of Pavia. The Italian researchers explain that sex can increase intelligence as follows: Sex apparently has a positive effect on nerve growth. According to the scientists, this […]

The morning-after pill and its side effects

Even if a contraceptive fails, the morning-after pill can prevent an unwanted pregnancy. However, the drug can have side effects and should therefore only be taken in exceptional cases. It is not just unprotected sex that can lead to an unwanted pregnancy. If a condom bursts or the pill is taken too late, contraception may […]

Can vasectomy be reversed? Yes, but …

A vasectomy can be reversed. The process is called vasectomy reversal. However, the chances of becoming fertile again depend on various factors. Microsurgery is required to reverse a vasectomy. The vasectomy reversal procedure is much more complicated than the sterilization itself – and so is the healing process. The operation takes up to three hours […]

Correct insertion of the diaphragm as a contraceptive

The diaphragm (vaginal pessary) is one of the contraceptive methods for women that protects against pregnancy but not against sexually transmitted diseases. Proper handling requires some practice. The diaphragm is placed over the cervix before intercourse and prevents sperm from entering the uterus. Since there are different sizes of silicone membranes, you must have your […]

How to use the female condom? It is easy with some practice

The female condom works in the same way as traditional male condoms, except that the lady inserts it into her vagina before intercourse. The application is fairly simple with a little practice. The advantage of the female condom is that it is the only contraceptive method that a woman can use to protect herself from […]

The copper coil is a safe contraception that doesn’t alter hormones

The copper coil is inserted directly into the uterus. It constantly emits small amounts of copper. As a result, the sperm are blocked on their way to the uterus and restricted in their mobility, so that fertilization does not normally occur. In addition, the copper disrupts the structure of the lining of the uterus, so […]

Toxoplasmosis and pregnancy: causes, prevention and treatment

Toxoplasmosis is one of the diseases that can be transmitted between humans and animals. Even if various other mammals or even birds can become intermediate hosts of the parasite, cats are always the definitive hosts of Toxoplasma gondii and also transmit it to humans. This usually happens when humans come into contact with cat feces, […]

What exactly does love actually do to our body?

Being in love is sometimes shown by symptoms that are also associated with various diseases – dizziness, nausea or tachycardia are just a few of the many reactions of the body. The hormones are to blame. It is not only a single hormone that is responsible for the body’s reactions, but rather a whole cocktail […]

Does this study prove women to be the stronger sex?

Most women have probably suspected it for a long time: It is not the men who are the stronger sex, but the women. If you believe a representative survey by Apotheken Umschau, women are better able to deal with pain, illness, strokes of fate and aging than men. Accordingly, women would be considered the truly […]

Vasectomy in men – Pregnancy prevention through sterilization

During a vasectomy, i.e. male sterilization, the vas deferens are severed. It is a small operation with a big effect: the patient is now infertile. The vasectomy is a short procedure that is largely painless. If you want, you can have it done under general anesthesia, but it is not necessary. Depending on the type […]

Pregnancy can be contagious at the workplace

Pregnancy can be contagious. Yes, it can! This according to a statement made by researchers. The research team led by Henriette Engelhardt-Wölfler examined the data of more than 42,000 women from 7,600 companies from the years 1997 to 2007. The scientists limited themselves to companies with a maximum of 150 employees. The findings showed that […]

Dyspareunia: Pain during sex and what you can do about it

Dyspareunia, i.e. pain during sex, makes sexual intercourse a torture for many women. The reasons for this can be both physical and psychological. Besides orgasmic dysfunction, dyspareunia is the most common sexual problem in women. The pain can be divided into internal and external. How is dyspareunia manifested? The signs and symptoms Pain during sex […]

Possible causes of erectile dysfunction in Kenyan men

Erectile dysfunction is very common, but by no means everyone can be treated. The causes of impotence can be diverse. It is estimated that between 20 and 50 percent of men over the age of thirty suffer from erectile dysfunction. The majority of diseases have physical causes. If the penis does not stiffen enough or […]

Sex therapy in Kenya and how it can work for your life

In some relationships, especially long-term relationships, sex life often deteriorates over time. Sex therapy may then be helpful to revive it or get a different perspective. If it no longer works in bed, frustration in the relationship is inevitable. Whether sex therapy can be helpful depends largely on the causes. An estimated 10 to 20 […]