Diamond Platnumz biography: age, career, businesses, girlfriends, net worth

Diamond Platnumz real name is Naseeb Abdul Juma Issack. A celebrated Tanzanian bongo flava recording artist, dancer, actor, songwriter and businessman, Diamond owns Wasafi Records. Through the record label, Diamond has signed several musicians such as Mbosso, Zuchu, Rayvanny, Harmonize, Queen Darleen, etc. However, Rayvanny and Harmonize have since quit the record label and started their own record labels.

Also known as: “Simba”, “Chibu Dangote”, “Father of Nations”
Real name: Naseeb Abdul Juma Issack
Occupation: Singer, songwriter, dancer, philanthropist and businessman
Birthday: 2 October 1989
Nationality: Tanzanian
Star sign: Libra
Birth place: Tandale, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Height: 5’8
Children: Latifah Dangote, Dillan Dangote, Dylan Abdul Naseeb and Naseeb junior
Net Worth: $7 million

Personal Life

He is probably on your playlist, on your highly recommended list on YouTube, or on a popular news blog, making headlines that he’s been seen on a couple of dates with a popular model, siren, socialite and that she’s now pregnant for him… Does this ring a bell?

“Simba”, “Chibu Dangote”, “Father of Nations” are just a few nicknames given to potentially East Africa’s greatest musical talent, Naseeb Abdul Juma Issack, Diamond Platnumz real name. Popularly known as Diamond, he was born on October 2, 1989, in Tandale, Dar Es Salaam to his mother Sanura Kasimu and father mzee Abdul Juma.

This multi-talented artist and businessman was raised in Kigoma, Tanzania. He lived at his grаnd mоthеr’ѕ hоuѕе where he was brought up by hіѕ mоthеr. The three shared a single room as they were forced to rent out the remaining two to make ends meet. Diamond’ѕ biological fаthеr wаѕ out of thе рісturе due to unrеѕоlvеd dоmеѕtіс соnflісtѕ with his mother.

Diamond has two siblings; entrepreneur cum socialite Esma Platnumz and musician Queen Darleen. He is also the cousin to Romeo Abdul Jones, professionally known as Romy Jones, a well-known Tanzanian socialite.

Diamond is 33 years old as of 2023. He was born on 2nd October 1989 in Tandale, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


Diamond Platnumz attended Chakula Bora Nursery School in 1995. He then proceeded to Tandale Magharibi Primary School in 1996, through to 2002, when he completed his primary education. He joined secondary school in 2002 and graduated in 2006. In 2014. He was awarded an Honorary Degree by the University of Dar es Salaam for his work promoting Tanzania’s culture.

Diamond Platnumz family

Diamond’s parents are Abdul Juma and Mama Dangote.

The singer has three sisters i.e. Esma Platnumz, Romeo Abdul Jones, and Queen Darleen, and one brother, Romeo Abdul Jones.


Diamond Platnumz’s narrative sits amongst the list of the classic rags to riches stories of the music industry. He had quite a humble upbringing. As is the case in many African homes, education is always seen as the catalyst to better life outcomes. With that in mind, his family members couldn’t understand why he concentrated on making music. They wanted him to focus on furthering his studies instead and get the normal 9-5 job.

But, if there’s anything we have learned about Diamond is that he goes for what he desires. And much to the disappointment of his family, Diamond focused more on making inroads in his career. He took part in talent shows and competitions and post his secondary education, he performed for different local and international artists. His mother came under harsh criticism from family members for supporting her son’s music career.

Back in 2007, life was tough. Diamond struggled to raise funds to pay for a single studio session. Consequently, he resorted to doing casual jobs. He sold second-hand garments, worked as a filling attendant and even did freelance photography to make some money that would help him get his music career off the ground.

It seems like Diamond was more than ready to do anything for his music. At one time, he was involved in illegal gambling just to make extra cash to afford him some studio time. The star is also said to have stolen and sold his mother’s golden ring secretly. The proceeds from that went to record his first single.

Things weren’t plain sailing for the star. As a result, he lost friends, his then-girlfriend left him as he wasn’t able to cater for her needs. Wonder what she’s thinking now.

Rise to stardom 

They say tough times don’t last, tough people, do. And luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Not to get all too philosophical here but Diamond will probably agree.

In 2009, Diamond Platnumz met Msafiri Peter aka Papaa Misifa who agreed to provide financial support in nurturing his talent. He went on to record “ Kamwambie” which was an ode to his girlfriend who left him when he had nothing. The track was an instant success, giving Diamond Platnumz the much-needed morale he needed to continue with his music career as well as opening the right doors for him.

In 2010, Diamond Platnumz released his first debut album titled, “Kamwambie”. It included many singles including “Kamwambie”, “Nakupa Moyo Wangu”, “I Hate You”, and “Si Uko Tayari”. Two years later, Diamond Platnumz released his sophomore album, “Lala Salama” which included the singles “Chanda Chema”, “Nimpende Nani”, “Gongo La Mboto”, and “Lala Salama”. It is also during this period that he openly endorsed Tanzania’s dominant ruling party, the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and its presidential candidate, Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete.

In 2014, Diamond Platnumz became one of the most decorated Tanzanian superstars. He bagged seven accolades during the Tanzania Music Awards – Best Male Writer, Best Song Writer, Best Male Artist and the Best Male Entertainer of the Year.

During his career, Diamond Platnumz also released many other singles like “The One”, “Baba Lao”, “Ongeza”, “Sound”, and “Jeje”. The most standout album that gave him worldwide acclaim is “A Boy From Tandale” which was released in March 2018.


Diamond has without a doubt produced some of the best songs in recent years. One of Diamond’s new songs is titled “Naanzaje”. The song was released on September 5 2021 and currently has over 14 million views on YouTube.

Some of the most popular Diamond Platnumz songs include ‘Kamata’, ‘Shusha’, ‘Haunisumbui’, IYO featuring Focalistic Mapara A Jazz & Ntosh Gazz, ‘Waah!’ featuring Kofi Olomide, Kamwambie Mitarejea feat. Hawa

Business Empire

After being successful in the music industry, Diamond Platnumz created a Music Label and media company that has grown tremendously over the years. He is the founder and CEO of WCB WASAFI artist record label company. WCB Wasafi, short form for Wasafi Classic Baby is one of the most successful record labels in Africa. The label boasts of a talented artist line-up with the likes of Harmonize, Rayvanny, Zuchu, Mbosso and Queen Darleen.

WCB Wasafi records has almost single-handedly taken over the music industry in East and Central Africa with their massive success in these regions and beyond. This may be attributed to the level of professionalism at the label. The over 35 employees all have different job descriptions from photographers, music producers, artist managers to dancers. They all work together towards the success of the artists under the label, much like Diamond Platnumz’s career is handled.

Diamond Platnumz ex- Girlfriends and relationship life

Diamond Platnumz is currently dating Zuchu, a successful musician signed under his record label. Before this, there were rumours going round that Diamondwas dating Zuchu. In fact, it was alleged that they had wedded secretly, but in a recent interview with BBC, Diamond said he is not married and he will not be doing it soon. His reason was that marriage distracts one from advancing their music career.

Sometimes Diamond is referred to as Father Abraham to symbolize the biblical Abraham who had many sons. Diamong Platnumz has dated many ladies and has had children with most of them. Some of his ex- girlfriends are Wema Sepetu, Jokate Mwegelo, Jacqueline Wolper, Tunda Sebastian, Zari Hassan, Hamissa Mobetto and Tanasha Donna Oketch.

Diamond Platnumz and Tanasha Donna dated for slightly over a year, and they were blessed with a son. Their were rumours of wedding but the two broke up. Tanasha Donna said that she dumped her son’s father because he was narcissistic, selfish and is a control freak. Diamond’s family wanted Tanasha to convert to Islam, which Tanasha was reluctant to do.

Although Diamond Platnumz and Wema Sepetu  broke up many years ago, there have been unfounded rumours that the two started seeing each other under the radar. Fans want Wema Sepetu and Diamond’s to reunite because theirs was the first public relationship Diamond had.

Diamond has never been in a long-lasting and stable relationship or marriage: There is a reason why they call Diamond Platnumz “Simba” Swahili word for Lion. If his past relationships are anything to go by, the singer deserves nothing short of a biopic because they go on and on, and on…

Over the years, Diamond Platnumz has been involved in several relationships (both public and private) with several women, from different walks of life, skin colour and nationalities, each not lacking its own fair share of drama.

The first and longest-standing relationship in Diamond Platnumz’s life has to be with one, Wema Sepetu, a Tanzanian actress and former beauty contestant who won the Miss World beauty pageant in 2006. The pair ended their five-year relationship in 2014 after numerous cheating allegations involving Diamond.

Shortly after they called it quits, Diamond Platnumz and Zari Hassan, a Ugandan socialite, musician and businesswoman, were spotted together. Both denied rumours that they were romantically involved, and cited that they were only business counterparts. Later that year, the pair were seen holding hands when they showed up at the South African Channel O Awards together. Zari Hassan was already a mother of three from her previous relationship when she sired her firstborn with Diamond Platnumz, a girl, Latiiffah Dangote then later a boy, Prince Nillan Dangote.

Infidelity issues continued to plague the singer. His relationship with Zari fell apart after Diamond allegedly had an affair with one of his video vixen, Hamisa Mobetto. He had his third child with Mobetto, Dylan Abdul Naseeb. Zari later moved to South Africa from their Tanzanian home where she manages the businesses of her late husband.

In 2019, Diamond Platnumz met Tanasha Donna, a Kenyan singer, radio presenter and model at a Wasafi Tour festival. The rest, as they say, is history. The pair shortly welcomed Diamond Platnumz’ fourth son, Naseeb junior, named after Diamond.

Other lesser-known personalities who have been involved in a love-bender with the artist include, actress Auntie Ezekiel, socialite Tunda Sebastian and former media personality turned politician Jokate Mwegelo.

Diamond Platnumz children

Diamond is commonly nicknamed ‘Father Abraham’ that is ‘father of many nations’ because of his habit of impregnating and then breaking up with different ladies from different countries. So far, he has a total of 4 known children, that is 2 children with his Ugandan/ South African ex- girlfriend Zari Hassan (Latifa, a daughter and Dillan, a son), a son (Nillan) with Tanzanian beauty Hamissa Mobetto and a son (Naseeb Junior) with his recent Kenyan- Italian ex- girlfriend Tanasha Donna Oketch. Diamond Platnumz is currently a father to four children, namely Latifah Dangote, Dillan Dangote, Dylan Abdul Naseeb and Naseeb junior. Diamond Platnumz kids have three different mothers.

Diamond Platnumz cars

Diamond Platnumz lives up to his name with the star owning up to six multi-million cars. Here’s a list of Diamond Platnumz cars: a Toyota Landcruiser V8, Toyota Landcruiser TX, A BMW X6, Cadillac Escalade Black Edition, Cadillac Escalade Sky Captain Edition, and his latest addition to the stable, a brand new 2021 Rolls-Royce Cullinan.

Diamond Platnumz Rolls-Royce Cullinan 2021 is his new car. It is one of the most expensive and exclusive cars in the world. Its price ranges from Sh 50 million to Sh 90 million, depending on the custom build and tax. The name of this priced SUV comes from the largest rough diamond ever discovered. Coincidence? I think not.

Diamond Platnumz houses

Diamond Platnumz is rumoured to have over 10 expensive properties all over the continent, with his latest being a $700,000 mansion he named, ‘State House’ due to its utmost grandeur. This Diamond Platnumz house comes complete with a gym, dance hall, studio, basketball court and a darts playing area.

In which other countries can Diamond Platnumz’s houses be found?

In Kenya – Diamond Platnumz does not have a house in Kenya but is reportedly in the process of building one in the near future.

In Rwanda – Diamond Platnumz is reportedly looking for or building a house in Rwanda. The singer is one of his social media posts asked his Rwandese fans to help him look for a house in a good neighbourhood.

In South Africa – Diamond owns a  home in one of South Africa’s upmarket neighbourhoods in Pretoria, South Africa.

Diamond Platnumz net worth

Diamond is the second richest musician in East Africa after Jose Chameleone. Being one of East Africa’s top entertainment earners Diamond Platnumz’s wealth has been amassed from his top-selling songs, ringtones, expensive concerts, tours, royalties, and brand endorsement deals from some of the largest companies in the world such as Vodacom, DSTV, and Coca-Cola. The ‘king of bongo’ is also the CEO at WCB Wasafi Records, which adds significant amounts to his income.

It is estimated that he is more than $10 Million.  Much of his wealth is from sold out shows, sale of his albums and brand endorsements. He is currently the brand ambassador of Coral paints and Pepsi soft drinks.

Diamond does not shy from showcasing his material possessions to fans. He owns homes and several cars. Just recently, he acquired a private jet because he makes numerous trips around the world. He said he will only keep upgrading what he owns so that he can be respected. Asked why he bought a private jet, he said that it will cut his flight expenses considering the number of people he has to travel with.

Will Diamond get any poorer? No. He claimed that he does not entirely depend on music, a lesson he learnt from COVID 19 pandemic when music performances were few. If her were to quit singing, he would still maintain his lifestyle because he has invested in other business ventures.

Awards & Recognition

Notably, Diamond Platnumz has not only crossed borders with his music but also with his awards and achievements. During the Таnzаnіа Мuѕіс Аwаrdѕ in 2010, Diamond Platnumz rесеіvеd thе tіtlеѕ, Кіlіmаnјаrо’ѕ Bеѕt Uрсоmіng Artіѕtе аnd еvеn thе МТV Ваѕе Маmа Аwаrdѕ іn Nіgеrіа fоr Веѕt Uрсоmіng Аrtіѕtе.

In 2014, Dіаmоnd mаdе а nеw rесоrd durіng thе Таnzаnіа Мuѕіс Аwаrdѕ, followіng hіѕ winning оf seven аwаrdѕ, соmрrіѕіng оf Веѕt Маlе Wrіtеr, Веѕt Ѕоng Wrіtеr, Веѕt Маlе Аrtіѕt аnd thе Веѕt Маlе Еntеrtаіnеr оf thе Yеаr. During the same year, he won the People’s Choice Awards.

In 2015, Diamond became the winner of the 2015 MTV Africa Music Awards in the category of “Best Live Act”. He has won many other awards including Channel O Music Video Awards, The Future Africa Awards, Nzumari Awards, and Tanzania Music Awards.


Among the list of Diamond Platnumz’s most notable career successes and achievements include:

  • On January 23, 2019, Diamond Platnumz was officially introduced as Pepsi Brand Ambassador in East Africa
  • On September 13, 2019, Diamond Platnumz became Brand Ambassador of Parimatch Africa
  • On September 25, 2019, Diamond was named the Nice One Brand Ambassador
  • On March 4, 2020, Diamond Platnumz was unveiled as the new Brand Ambassador of Coral Paints (Tanzania)

Social Media

Being one of the most decorated, influential and sought-after artists has its own perks. Diamond Platnumz commands a huge following across his social media platforms. Diamond Platnumz’s Instagram is his biggest platform with over 13.4 million followers. Facebook comes in second with over 6.6 million followers, YouTube comes third with over 5 million subscribers

Diamondi Platnumz’s X.com: @DiamondPlatnumz

Diamond Platnumz’s Instagram: @DiamondPlatnumz

Diamond Platnumz’s Facebook: Diamond Platnumz  

Diamond Platnumz’s YouTube: Diamond Platnumz


Who is Diamond Platnumz’s wife?

Diamond Platnumz does not have a wife. He has however been involved with a series of women in his life. Zari Hassan, Tanasha Donna, Wema Sepetu amongst others. He was set to get married to Tanasha Donna but the wedding did not happen.

What is Diamond’s net worth?

 Diamond Platnumz net worth is estimated to be over $7 million.

Is Diamond Platnumz rich?

Diamond Platnumz’s wealth comes from his music career, his record label and his ambassadorial roles. He Is said to be one of the highest-paid musicians in East Africa and certainly in Tanzania.

How many cars does Diamond Platnumz have?

Diamond Platnumz owns six luxurious cars.

Does Diamond Platnumz own a Rolls Royce?

Yes! Diamond splurged on a 2021 Rolls Royce Cullinan. Rolls Royce is one of the most luxurious vehicles in the world. His is said to be between Ksh 30 and 90 million.

Does Diamond Platnumz have a house?

He just doesn’t have a house. He has multiple houses around the continent.

How much does Diamond Platnumz earn per show?

Diamond Platnumz charges a fee in the region of Sh350,000 per show while performing in Tanzania,  and when invited outside his country, he settles for not less than 25,000 US dollars (Ksh 2.1 million).

How much does Diamond Platnumz earn per week?

During one of his interviews, Diamond Platnumz said he makes over KSh 2 million per week.

How much does Diamond Platnumz earn per day?

Diamond Platnumz reportedly makes close to Ksh. 1 million per day due to royalties, and music downloads.

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