Jacqueline Wolper Biography: Age, Early Life, Education, Relationship, Career, Controversy, Fashion, Net Worth

Jacqueline Ntuyabaliwe, popularly known as Jacqueline Wolper, is a Tanzanian actress, director, model, entrepreneur, fashion stylist, and businesswoman. Here’s a look at her biography. She was born on December 23, 1987, in Tanzania. As of 2023, she is 36 years old. Jacqueline gained fame through her acting roles in various Tanzanian movies, TV series, and soap operas.

Her career took off in the mid-2000s when she appeared in several Bongo movies, earning recognition for her acting skills. Her charming personality, coupled with her acting talent, contributed to her rising popularity in the Tanzanian entertainment industry.

Apart from acting, Jacqueline is known for her entrepreneurship in the fashion industry. She established her own fashion brand named “Wolper Stylish” and ventured into designing clothes, particularly for women.

Throughout her career, Jacqueline Wolper has been involved in philanthropic activities, supporting causes related to education and empowering women. Her influence in the Tanzanian entertainment scene and her contributions to various social causes have made her a notable figure in the country.

Jacqueline Wolper is an active personality in the entertainment industry and is very influential in Tanzania.

Jacqueline Wolper early life

Jacqueline was born to Tanzanian parents and grew up in a town called Moshi.

Jacqueline Wolper education background

Jacqueline initially attended Mawenzi Primary School but switched to Magrath Primary School for her early education. She later pursued her secondary education at Ekenywa and Masai. In her pursuit of further education, she underwent a Language Course in Business Studies at ICC Arusha. Jacqueline also specializes in mentoring stylists in diverse costumes and styles, showcasing her expertise as a fashion enthusiast who owns her boutique.

Jacqueline Wolper relationship history

Jacqueline, much like South Africa’s Zodwa Wabantu, has a reputation for dating younger men, believing it to be more preferable than dating individuals of her own age. Previously, she was romantically involved with Harmonize, though the relationship ultimately ended. She expressed that among all her past relationships, it was with Harmonize that she felt the deepest hurt. Attempting to reconcile, Jacqueline mentioned that Harmonize belittled her, leading her to end the relationship.

Jackline and Harmonize
Jackline and Harmonize during their happy times

“I wronged him; he wronged me, and he wronged me again. I won’t speak out on the particular wrongs we committed. But we are no longer together. You know in matters relationship, partners often fall out. We differed severally but eventually agreed to go our separate ways. When we were dating, none of us cheated on the other. Though it could be possible either of us cheated, but we choose to forgive and move on. For me, it is easy to forgive an unfaithful man but not one who hardly respects what I stand for, regardless of how petty it could be. When I feel you are demeaning me, I opt-out.”

Jacqueline Wolper also disclosed that after their break-up, Harmonize texted her to apologize, but she did not reply.

“I haven’t forgiven him, and I am not going to reply to his text”, Wolper said.

Currently, Jackline Wolper is a married woman. She is married to Rich Mitindo and they have welcomed their second child together.

Jackline Wolper husband
Jackline Wolper husband

Jacqueline Wolper career profile

Since 2007, Jacqueline has been actively engaged in the entertainment industry, both as a film director and an actress. She has appeared in over 20 Bongo Movies and films, such as ‘Kipenzi Changu’, ‘Surprise’, ‘Red Valentine’, and ‘Family Tears’, which significantly contributed to her rise in popularity.

In 2018, Jacqueline was initially chosen to lead the Miss Tanzania Pageant. However, her involvement was abruptly canceled. Basila Mwanukazi, the Director General, disclosed that Wolper was at fault for missing this prestigious opportunity. She arrived late to a seminar meant to brief judges on their roles for the Miss Tanzania pageant, ultimately leading to her withdrawal from the position.

“Majaji wanapewa semina, Wolper alichelewa kufika katika semina hivyo… ataingiaje katika majaji wakati hajaongozwa? Sio kuwa super star basi uje kujaji, hapana kuna miongozo maarumu ambayo alitakiwa kupata endapoa agehudhuria kama wale majaji wengine walivyopewa , lakini yeye kafika semeina ieshaisha,” said Basila Mwanukazi.

Jacqueline Wolper controversy

Just when the fans though the drama between Harmonize and Jacqueline was over, the two ex lovers were trending yet again. Harmonize decided to publish all the men that Jacqueline had slept with in an attempt to humiliate her to the public.

Apparently, Jacqueline wanted to sleep with Diamond and even promised to give him a son.

“Sio vizuri kuwasema Wanawake lakini inaniumiza, maana niliamua kukaa kimya lakini the more anazidi kufanya interviews, anasema mimi nilipata mzungu, sponsor nikamuacha. Ki ukweli inaniuma sana… kilichotifanya tuachane nina Imani hata yeye hajui. Ilikuwa ni mwezi was kwanza, tulikuwa na Party nyumbani kwa Kaka Yangu, Boss Wangu wa zamani Diamond Platnumz. Tukawa tunaparty, bila haya, bila aibu akawa anamtaka Diamond Kimapenzi.”

Harmonize said he was tired o Jacqueline cheating on him and they went their separate ways in 2017.

In an interview in 2018 with the Amani newspaper, Jacqueline came out guns blazing when she claimed male celebrities in Tanzania were using female superstars to get to the top.

“Many actresses in Tanzania have opted to grow their careers instead of giving marriage a thought. That’s why – in some instances –, five years would end without you seeing any female movie star tying the knot,” said Wolper.

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Jacqueline Wolper fashion

Wolper is the founder of House Of Stylish_tz, a clothes shop located in Dar es Salaam. Jacqueline Wolper has an amazing sense of fashion and loves to rock fancy Ankara dresses that makes her stand out. Some of her clients are Tanzia’s most famous celebrities.

Jacqueline Wolper net worth

Although her exact net worth is not known, Jacqueline seems to be living the rich life and travelling to the most expensive resorts in the world.