Elected Women Representatives in Kenya (2022-2027)

Women Reps in Kenya are representatives elected from each county by registered voters to the national assembly to represent the will of the people, discuss government policies, make laws, vet public appointees, and most importantly oversight the government by ensuring that the constitution is duly followed.

The position was created as an affirmative action to ensure that more women are elected to the national assembly so represent the interests of women in parliament. 47 women are elected by voters while some are nominated.

Code County Women Rep Party
001 Mombasa Zamzam Mohamed Chimba ODM
002 Kwale Fatuma Hamisi Masito ODM
003 Kilifi Gertrude Mbeyu Mwanyanje ODM
004 Tana River Amina Dika Abdullahi KANU
005 Lamu Monicah Muthoni Marubu IND
006 Taita Taveta Lydia Haika Mnene  Mizighi UDA
007 Garissa Amina Udgoon Siyad Jubilee
008 Wajir Fatuma Abdi Jehow ODM
009 Mandera Umul Ker Kassim Sheikh UDM
010 Marsabit Naomi Jillo Waqo UDA
011 Isiolo Mumina Gollo Bonaya Jubilee
012 Meru Elizabeth Karambu Kailemia UDA
013 Tharaka Nithi Susan Ngugi Nduyo TSP
014 Embu Pamela Njoki Njeru UDA
015 Kitui Irene Muthoni Kasalu Wiper
016 Machakos Joyce Kamene Wiper
017 Makueni Rose Museo Mumo Wiper
018 Nyandarua Faith Wairimu Gitau UDA
019 Nyeri Rahab Mukami Wachira UDA
020 Kirinyaga Jane Njeri Maina UDA
021 Murang’a Betty Njeri Maina UDA
022 Kiambu Anne Wanjiku Mugo Muratha UDA
023 Turkana Cecilia Asinyen Ngitit UDA
024 West Pokot Rael Chepkemoi Kasiwai KUP
025 Samburu Pauline Lenguris UDA
026 Trans Nzoia Lillian Chebet Siyoi UDA
027 Uasin Gishu Gladys Jepkosgei Boss Shollei UDA
028 Elgeyo-Marakwet Jeptoo Ng’elechei Caroline Independent
029 Nandi Cynthia Jepkosgei Muge UDA
030 Baringo Flowrence Jematiah Sergon UDA
031 Laikipia Jane Wangechi Kagiri UDA
032 Nakuru Liza Chepkorir Chelule UDA
033 Narok Rebecca Noonaishi Tonkei UDA
034 Kajiado Leah Sopiato Sankaire UDA
035 Kericho Beatrice Chepng’eno Kemei UDA
036 Bomet Linet Chepkorir UDA
037 Kakamega Elsie Busihile Muhanda ODM
038 Vihiga Beatrice Kahai Adagala ANC
039 Bungoma Catherine Nanjala Wambilianga FORD


040 Busia Catherine Nakhabi Omanyo ODM
041 Siaya Christine Ombaka Oduor ODM
042 Kisumu Ruth Adhiambo Odinga ODM
043 Homabay Bensuda Joyce Atieno ODM
044 Migori Fatuma Zinabu Mohammed Independent
045 Kisii Donya Dorice Aburi Wiper
046 Nyamira Momanyi Jerusha Mongina Jubilee
047 Nairobi City Esther Muthoni Passaris ODM

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