What are the real names of Citizen TV’s “Sultana” series cast?

sultana show citizen tv

Citizen TV is the most popular TV station in Kenya, and for a reason. The media house is popular for its captivating shows that are curated to impress all age groups.

In 2020, Maria TV show had every Kenyan glued to their TVs every day it aired and for those that missed it, well, there is Viusasa. There are also online reviewers and some short video previews on YouTube.

Maria TV showed aired a total of 374 episodes in just one season. It’s final episode left fans expecting a Season 2, but Lulu has affirmed that their wouldn’t be any.

Most of the cast members from Maria were replicated in Zora, the show that succeeded it. Again Citizen TV did not disappoint, or is it Lulu Hassan and Rashid Abdalla? Or just their company Jiffy Pictures? Credit goes to everyone involved in the casting, production, and broadcasting.

After the final episode of Zora aired last week, Kenyan TV lovers are interested in the new blockbuster in town: Sultana. 

Sultana plot

Sultana tells a story of a young blind lady that was ‘erroneously’ pronounced dead after her birth. She was born into a rich family, where the man was obsessed over getting a male heir to their vast wealth. On her birth day, another baby body was born elsewhere.

The midwife involved in both births took to the little baby girl to her village and helped raise her.

She has to overcome all odds in her life after facing life challenges, such as stigma, rejection, poverty, unwanted pregnancy, and more. Against all odds, she has to be happy.

Below are some of the actors cast in different roles in Sultana.

We have just watched a few episodes of the latest Citizen TV show and have already fallen in love in what seems to be the most watched TV show in Kenya’s TVs. We hope it will keep us glued on TV for as long as Zora and Maria did.

Now that we love Sultana show, what are the names of the characters and their real names?

Nairobi Mole has done that assignment for you.

Below are all the Sultana TV actors and their real names.

Where possible we have included handles to their social media profiles and some images you will love.

Character Real Name
Sultana Mwanaasha Johari
Jabali Junior Othman Njaidi
Major Jabali Suleiman Fadhili
Baby JJ Aqsa Shani
Baby Sultana Mercy Shani
Young Jabali Junior Khalid Jamal Ali
Babu Lolani Kalu
Bi Ua Marian Ahmed Mzee
Bi Salama Rehema Rajab
Mareno Juma Shambi
Zuu Annette Odusi
Mwanzele David Mbiko
Abya Verity Wakilo
Fatma Angie Magio
Dr. Kambi Yasmin Esmail June
Dr. Kokan Nelson Mandela
Kokan Junior Issa Mwandigo
Dida Winnie Bwire
Buya Patrick Francis Owino

These actors are very talented and you will love to see them do their thing on TV daily. But don’t worry, when you miss it, we will be providing daily updated on the TV show. We will also review some of the episodes before they air on TV. Don’t worry, there won’t be too much spoilers, just some information to make you eager for the next episode.

Keep it at Nairobi Mole for all your entertainment needs. Don’t forget to follow us on our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest stories and links to our newest updates.

That’s all for now. I hope you now know the real names of all the actors in Sultana TV Show. If I have made any mistake, please contact us for corrections.

Until next time.

Sultana will be airing from 7.30pm to 8.00 pm Monday to Friday.


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