Bobi Wine biography: age, net worth, family, politics, educatio

Bobi Wine

Musician turned politician Bobi Wine was born on 12 February 1982 in Nkozi, Central Uganda. His real name is Ssenamu Robert Kyagulanyi and he is now 41 years old. His father was Mzee Jackson Willington Ssentamu and his mother was Margaret Nalunkuuma.

Bobi Wine grew up in Kamwokya Slum in the capital Kampala. He is the sixth born in a family of 10 children, nine boys and one girl. Some of his siblings who are known include Fred Nyanzi a politician, Mikie Wine, Bugembe Ivan Ssentamu popularly known as Dax Vibez Bugembe, Eddy Yawe and Irene Kayemba who are musicians.

His late father Jackson Willington Ssentamu who died in 2016 was a polygamist. He had three wives. The late Margaret Nalunkuuma, Bobi Wine’s mother who died in 2004 in a road accident, Mary Magdelene Namale and Alice Nantumer. His wives bore him over 35 children.

Within the entire family, Bobi Wine is child number 26. Five siblings:

Bobi Wine grew up in a political family. Just like him, his father and grandfather opposed Yoweri Museveni. Due to their political stance, Bobi Wine’s family was disintegrated as part of his family got arrested while some were forced to go into exile in neighbouring Tanzania.


Bobi Wine went to a couple of schools at the elementary level. He started at St. Mary Goretti Nursery School. He then moved to Arya Primary after which he joined Kanoni UMEA, Kasaka Primary School, Kanoni Catholic School and St. Alloysius Bukalagi School.

In high school, Bobi Wine also studied in different schools. He attended St. Maria Goretti, Brain Trust Academy and attained his O level certificate at Kitante Hill School.

For his upper secondary education, Bobi Wine went to Alliance Advance Secondary School. He also went to Lubiri Secondary before joining Kololo Secondary where he completed his secondary education.

Bobi Wine went to Makerere University for a degree in Social Sciences. He was unable to pay fees thus dropped out. He later returned to Makerere on a government scholarship and graduated with a diploma in music dance and drama in 2003.

Bobi Wine has since gone back to school for a short course in “Leadership in the 21st Century.” He graduated from the prestigious Harvard University where he did the program.

Bobi Wine also enrolled for a Law Degree at the International University of East Africa (IUEA). He then transferred his credits to Cavendish University. As a result of his busy schedule, Bobi Wine put his degree on hold.


Bobi Wine
Bobi Wine


Bobi Wine embarked on his music career shortly after he graduated from university in 2003. His songs fall into the afrobeat genres and largely address social issues.

Bobi Wine released his first single “Akagoma” in 2003. “Funtula” and “Sunda” followed. These songs did very well and made Bobi Wine popular.

He then went on to lead a music band, FireBase Crew which lasted for seven years. Afterwards, Bobi Wine formed his own band Ghetto Republic of Uganda. Throughout his music career, Bobi Wine collaborated with artists from Africa and beyond. He featured Buju Banton in “Bullet or Ballot Ugandan” and worked with Kenyan songstress Wahu for the song “Little Things You Do”. He produced nine albums and dozens of songs.

Bobi wine is the founder of Firebase Crew entertainment company.


Bobi Wine has been cast in a few films. In 2010, he featured in Cleopatra Kyoheirwe’s film “Yoga”. ‘Yogera’ is the Ugandan word for speak. The film was about a deaf woman who was abandoned by her sister due to her deafness.

In 2015, he landed a lead role in “Situka”. Bobi Wine played the role of Muganga the boyfriend to Amanio who convinces him to fight for justice.

Bobi Wine also appeared on “Divizionz”.

Bobi Wine also had a reality TV show, “The Ghetto President”. It was directed by his wife Barbie Kyagulanyi.


Bobi Wine’s moved his political messages from the studio into parliament. As part of his transition, he shaved off his dreadlocks and exchanged his casual attire for suits.

He got his political career started in 2017 when he successfully campaigned for the parliamentary seat for Kyaddondo-East constituency. Bobi Wine was an independent candidate in a by-election occasioned by the removal of Apollo Kantiti. His door-to-door campaign method drew attention at a time politicians criss-cross the country with a large entourage and pay heavily for billboard erections.

Presidential term limits

Bobi Wine’s time in parliament is what earned him the enmity of the seating president Yoweri Museveni. Though he joined parliament as an independent candidate, he was opposition leaning.

In his early days, Bobi Wine firmly opposed a bill that sought to lift the presidential age limit. At the time, Museveni was 73 years old and the constitution barred anyone over the age of 75 from running for the country’s top seat. Museveni eyed the 2021 general election and despite his opposition, the bill passed, Museveni contested the 2021 elections and was declared the winner by a landslide.

Social Media Tax protests

That did not deter him from continually voicing his opposition towards the government. In 2018, when the social media tax became law, Bobi Wine led protests around Kampala as he stated that the tax was an assault on freedom of expression and information.

A year later, Bobi Wine was detained and charged on grounds that he organised a protest without police authorisation. He appeared in court in April but his bail hearing was pushed to May. He was later granted bail.

President convey attack 

Bobi Wine had another brush with the law in 2018 after President Yoweri Museveni’s convoy was attacked. Museveni was in Arua for a campaign event when youths stoned his car. The authorities pointed the finger toward opposition leaders and further stated that Bobi Wine was in possession of illegal weapons and firearms.

Though he was arrested and detained, the charges were later dropped. Bobi Wine was later charged for treason. His re-arrest sparked wide protests as the hashtag #FreeBobiWine trended on Twitter. World-known musicians such as Chris Martin, Angelique Kidjo and Damon Albarn used the hashtag and called for the release of Bobi Wine.

He was eventually granted bail and travelled to the United States for medical care. However, the treason charges against him were later revised. Fresh charges of attempts to annoy the president and disobedience of lawful orders were added.

Running for presidency  

Despite his battles with President Yoweri Museveni, Robert Kyagulani alias Bobi Wine was not deterred from challenging him at the ballot. In 2019, Bobi Wine announced his intentions to vie for the country’s top job during the 2021 general election.

Bobi Wine ran under the ticket of the National United Party (NUP). Moments after he submitted his nomination papers to the country’s electoral commission for clearance, Bobi Wine was again whisked away by the police.

He said he was held for several hours and “tortured”. Wine was later released but the police were beefed around his party’s headquarters and around his neighbourhood.

Bobi Wine campaigns

Bobi Wine launched his manifesto in Mbarara. He turned down the security provided by the Electoral Commission. His campaigns were interrupted by the police on several occasions. In one incident, the NUP presidential hopeful was arrested on grounds of having more than 200 people in his rally. According to police, he went against the Electoral Commission campaign rules. Further, his fans were also blocked from accessing his rallies which led to massive unrest across the country as innocent Ugandans lost their lives.

Campaigns were then halted due to COVID-19, a move Bobi Wine and other opposition figures claimed was taken to slow down their political agendas.


Bobi Wine

Ahead of the January 14 polls, Bobi Wine launched an app “U Vote” to monitor the tallying of the election results in real-time in an attempt to curb the manipulation of votes counting.

After all the tussle, the presidential election was cast. Despite Bobi Wine’s efforts, Yoweri Museveni was declared the winner with a 58.6% vote win to Wine’s 35% and secured a sixth term in office.

Bobi Wine rejected the election result. He alleged that the military and not the electoral commission oversaw the elections. He further claimed that ballot stuffing and coercion to vote for Museveni happened.

Bobi Wine’s election petition

Bobi Wine filed an election petition to the Supreme Court in an attempt to get the results annulled and the process repeated. He alleged that several irregularities – ballot stuffing, intimidation of his party’s agents and supporters as well as the pre-filling of ballot papers – led to Yoweri Museveni’s victory.

Museveni responded to the petition and stated that he was certain Bobi Wine wasn’t going to win. Later on,  Bobi Wine withdrew his election petition from the Supreme Court and cited a lack of impartiality amongst the judges as his reason.

Where is Bobi Wine now?

For someone of Bobi Wine’s stature, this is a million-dollar question. After his loss in the general election, Bobi Wine remains active in politics. His social media pages point to his philanthropic work.

Who is behind Bobi Wine?

Politically speaking, Bobi Wine has said that other members of the opposition, independent candidates and even some in the ruling party echo his views for the need to bring change in the country.

The youth of the country have also bought into Bobi Wine’s ideas. Many of them have participated in the protests he’s organised. This population is said to have the potential of eventually removing Yoweri Museveni from power.

Financially, we cannot ascertain the source of Bobi Wine’s political funding.


Bobi Wine has christened himself as the “The Ghetto President”. True to his words, he dedicates some of his time to giving back to the community.

In 2016, he launched the Bobi Wine Foundation whose aim is to empower the youth. He wants to change people’s mentality towards those who live in the slums and help the youth to realize their potential.

In line with that, Bobi Wine has worked with several international humanitarian organisations to better the lives of Ugandans. He’s worked as the ambassador of Save The Children Campaign, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Red Cross.


Bobi Wine
Bobi Wine family

Who is the wife of Bobi Wine?

Bobi Wine is a family man. He is married to Barbra ‘Barbie’ Kyagulani. The pair tied the knot in 2011 at Rubaga Cathedral in Kampala. Bobi Wine met his wife in 2000 at the National Theatre in Uganda. Both were in a play where they were cast as president and first lady.

Their marriage has produced four children. Shadrack Shilling Mbogo Kyagulani, Suubi Shine Nakaayi Kyagulani, Shalom Namagembe Kyagulani and Solomon Kampala Nyanzi Kyagulani.

Bobi Wine’s family evacuated to the USA

The family of Bobi Wine has been caught in the crossfire between him and Museveni. In the lead up to the general election in 2021, Bobi Wine was forced to evacuate his children to the United States amid insecurity fears. Wine claimed that he received information of an impending attack on his children thus had to act fast.


Forming of National Unity Platform

In the run-up to the 2021 general elections, Bobi Wine challenged for presidency under the National United Platform (NUP) formerly National Unity Reconciliation and Development Party (NURP).

However, the founding members of NURP questioned the legitimacy of Bobi Wine’s NUP. They claimed that they weren’t aware of the exchange that led to Bobi Wine acquiring the party.

Reports indicate that Bobi Wine bought NURP from Nkonge Kibalama for some 300 Ugandan shillings. Questions as to how the money was spent also arose.

Other concerns surrounded the appointment of Bobi Wine as the party’s flag bearer and the lack of founding members in the party.

In response, Bobi Wine questioned the timing of the challenge by NURP members and pointed out that due process was followed in the transition from NURP to NUP.

Age and Academic credentials

Bobi Wine’s age and academic credentials have come under scrutiny since he won the parliamentary seat for Kyadondo East. He stated that he was born in 1982 and not 1980 as alleged. This discrepancy arose because he skipped classes throughout his primary school years.

When he was in P6, he registered to do P7 exams together with his brother. This forced him to change his date of birth in order to fit in with all the other candidates thus reducing it by two years from 1980 to 1982. This went on throughout his schooling life.

However in 2000 when he applied for his first passport, Bobi Wine stated that he swore an affidavit to correct the information. Since then, he’s always used 1982 as his date of birth. He also refuted claims that he altered his age upon joining parliament in 2017.


You would understand why Bobi Wine would need a bulletproof car. In 2021, Bobi Wine unveiled a new bulletproof black Toyota Land Cruiser V8. He said that well-wishers granted him the armoured vehicle thought to cost around Ksh 15 million.

Bobi Wine’s car would yet again be a source of anguish. The Ugandan Revenue Authority (URA) directed Bobi Wine to pay $93,420 in taxes for his bulletproof car. This was after it had been registered as an ordinary vehicle only for them to find out that it was an armoured vehicle.

URA impounded the vehicle but later under the directive of President Yoweri Museveni, returned the car to Bobi Wine.

Bobi Wine’s other cars include a Toyota Tundra that’s valued at $250,000, GMC Yukon, Toyota Prado TX and a 2002 Cadillac Escalade estimated to be $75,000.


Bobi Wine’s house in Magere, North of Kampala has been visited several times by armed police. He was placed under house arrest for 11 days together with his wife Barbie after they voted in the January 2021 elections.

During his independence day music concert in 2020, police surrounded his Kampala mansion. Bobi Wine was unable to attend and perform.

On another occasion, police and military personnel were deployed at his house overnight ahead of his visit to Kayunga District where he was to attend a political campaign.

Bobi Wine properties

Apart from his Kampala mansion, Bobi Wine also owns properties on One Love Beach in Busalaba, a plaza in Kamwokya valued at around $400,000, an audio recording studio and land in Gomba. Bobi Wine also owns a fleet of motorcycles and taxis worth around $60,000.

Unconfirmed reports stated that Bobi Wine was to receive a private jet from his supporters as a show of might and resilience. These plans were revealed by the Member of Parliament for Kawempe North Constituency Mohamed Ssegirinya Despite the excitement, this is yet to come to fruition.

Net Worth

How much is Bobi Wine worth?

Bobi Wine’s riches emanate from his political and musical careers as well as his businesses. This means that his net worth is not something to scoff at. Bobi Wine has been listed as one of the richest musicians in East Africa. Bobi Wine’s overall net worth from all his assets is estimated to be $22 million.

Bobi Wine and Bebe Cool, who is the richest?

Bobi Wine’s assets and properties have been outlined in the previous sections. All this bring his total net worth to around $22 million.

Bebe Cool also has expensive properties. He owns cars such as Hummer H2 worth around $80,000 to $100,000, a Mercedez Benz and Toyota Land Cruiser.

He also owns rental houses, a recreational centre, a public address system, a record label Gagamel International and a jewellery collection. In total, these properties give him a net worth of about $1.6 million.

Thus, Bobi Wine is richer than Bebe Cool.

Awards & Recognition


African Freedom Prize by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF Africa)


DEAR Lifetime Achievement Award

Foreign Global Policy Thinker

Rainbow/PUSH International Humanitarian Award

Times Next 100 Most Influential People

Male Politician of the Year at the Young African Leaders Summit

New African Magazine 100 Most Influential Africans

The Bloomberg 50, 15 Personalities to Watch in 2020

Face2Face Africa, Faces of Global Black Excellence

2018: ZZINA Awards: Male Artist of the Year, Song ot the Year “Kyarenga”

2013: HiPipo Music Awards: Best AfroBeat Song “Jennifer”.

2009: Song “Little Things You Do” was nominated for Best Video at MTV Africa Music Awards

2008: Best Afrobeat Artist/Group at the Pearl of Africa Music Awards

2007: Best Afrobeat Single, Best Afrobeat Artist/Group at the Pearl of Africa Music Awards

2006: Best Afrobeat Single/Artiste of the Year

2005: Pearl of Africa Music Awards Song of the Year

Social media handles (Instagram, YouTube Channel, Facebook, Tiktok, Twitter)


Who is the father of Bobi Wine?

Bobi Wine’s father is the late Jackson Willington Ssentamu.

What is Bobi Wine level of education?

Bobi Wine has a diploma in Music, Dance and Drama from Makerere University. He also enrolled for a law degree at the International University of East Africa. He has since put his studies on hold.

How old is Kyagulanyi?

Robert Kyagulani alias Bobi Wine was born on 12 February 1982. He is 40 years old.

When did Bobi Wine get married?

Bobi Wine married his wife Barbra Iyungo Kyagulani in 2011 at Rubaga Cathedral in Kampala.

How much is Bobi Wine’s car?

Bobi Wine owns several cars -a Toyota Tundra that’s valued at $250,000, GMC Yukon, Toyota Prado TX, an armoured Toyota Land Cruiser V8 estimated to cost Ksh 15 million and a 2002 Cadillac Escalade estimated to be $75,000.

What happened to Bobi Wine?

Since Bobi Wine lost the presidential elections in 2021, not much has been seen of him politically. Although he doesn’t have any positions, he is still viewed as an opposition leader.

How many cars does Bobi Wine have?

Bobi Wine owns up to five cars. A Toyota Tundra that’s valued at $250,000, GMC Yukon, Toyota Prado TX, a bulletproof black Toyota Land Cruiser V8  and a 2002 Cadillac Escalade estimated to be $75,000.

How much money does Bobi Wine have?

Bobi Wine’s net worth is estimated to be $22 million.

How many votes did Bobi Wine get?

Bobi Wine garnered 35% of all presidential votes cast.

Who are the brothers of Bobi Wine?

Bobi Wine’s brothers include Fred Nyanzi who is a politician, Bugembe Ivan Ssentamu popularly known as Dax Vibez Bugembe and Eddy Yawe who are musicians.

Why was Bobi Wine arrested?

Bobi Wine has been arrested on several occasions for different reasons. He’s been charged on grounds of treason, intentions to “annoy, alarm and ridicule” the president and leading unauthorised protests.

How many children does Bobi Wine have?

Bobi Wine has four children. Shadrack Shilling Mbogo Kyagulani, Suubi Shine Nakaayi Kyagulani, Shalom Namagembe Kyagulani and Solomon Kampala Nyanzi Kyagulani.

Who is the mother of Bobi Wine?

Bobi Wine’s mother is Margaret Nalunkuuma. She died in a road accident.

What is the next plan for Bobi Wine?

After he lost to president Yoweri Museveni in the 2021 general elections, Bobi Wine is yet to make his political plans known.

Which tribe is Bobi Wine?

Bobi Wine comes from the Buganda tribe.

When did Bobi Wine start singing?

Bobi Wine started his music career shortly after completing his diploma studies. He released his first song “Akagoma” in 2003.