Meet Uganda’s richest politicians

With power comes great responsibility. It also comes with good money through lucrative state salaries and allowances, giant tenders, and for the not so noble politicians- corruption opportunities.

We have compiled a list of some of the richest politicians in Uganda; these ones know how to play their cards correctly.

President Yoweri Museveni

President Museveni's cows
President Museveni’s cows

Since 1986, Yoweri Museveni has been the president of Uganda, and he has amassed a substantial amount of wealth from this career.

He has majorly invested in the agricultural sector and has thousands of cattle that provide both milk and beef, which generate revenue for him.

In 2021, he was listed as one of the top twenty richest presidents in Africa, with a net worth of about $50 million.

Thomas Tabeywa

The current member of parliament for Ruhinda North County in Mitooma district has been in power since 2016, and he is one of the richest politicians in Uganda.

Thomas Tabeywa, who is also a lawyer by profession, amassed a lot of his wealth before joining politics; his political career has just been a cherry on top for his wealth acquisition.

Besides his position as MP, Tabeywa has also served as Government Chief Whip, member of National Economic Committee and Natural Resources Committee.

He is also a successful entrepreneur and owns several companies, including Wandaz Products Limited and Gateway Associates Limited. Among his listed properties are two residential houses whose value is estimated at UGX 4 billion.

John Chrysestom Muyingo

John Muyingo represents Bumunanika County in Luweero District in parliament and is the Minister for higher education.

Along with his career in politics, Muyingo is also a businessman and has invested quite heavily in the education sector, where he owns several schools and kindergartens.

All these ventures combined with his salary make his account overflow with millions; he is considered one of the richest politicians in Uganda.

Sam Kutesa

Just like John Muyingo, Sam Kutes serves as both MP and minister. He is a member of parliament for Mawogola County in Sembabule district as well as the Foreign Affairs Minister.

Kutesa came to power in 1980 after defeating president Museveni in the parliamentary elections and is one of the few powerful politicians who have amassed a lot of wealth in their political careers.

Although Sam Kutesa has worked hard for his money, he has also been implicated several times in corruption scandals; most recently, he was accused of receiving a bribe of $ 500 000 from a foreign investor.

Abdu Katuntu

Katuntu is the member of parliament for Bugweri County, and is also a lawyer by profession.

The parliamentarian who was elected through Forum for Democratic Change party is one of the few rich politicians in the opposition party. His wealth comes from his successful law practice as well as his political career.

Bobi Wine

Bobi Wine

Robert Kyangulangi is one of the most prominent people in Uganda, and that’s because of his colourful career as a musician, actor, and politician.

Bobi Wine is a former member of parliament for Kyadondo County East constituency and was the presidential flag-bearer for the National Unity Platform in the 2021 general elections.

With a net worth of approximately $9 million, Bobi Wine is one of the richest musicians and politicians in Uganda.

His wealth comprises several buildings, executive private property, expensive cars, and giant mansions.

The ‘Ghetto President’ whose rags to riches story is quite inspiring, has amassed his wealth over the years through hard work and wise investments. It is believed that he is one of the few wealthy people who acquired their wealth through legal means.

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