Robert Budi biography, relationships, career, marriage

Robert Budi, 32, was born in 1990 in Nairobi. Little is known about his family, siblings, dating life, and background. But three things are known for sure: age, marital status, and achievements. The gym lover has a well toned body that catapulted him to being the Mr. World Kenya in 2018. Together with his beautiful girlfriend, whom he later married in a private beach wedding, he is blessed with a daughter. According to Biggest Kaka, Khula Budi shared on his Instagram: “It’s not every day that you marry your best friend.20.08.2020 the most special day of my life.”

Robert Budi and his longtime girlfriend, now wife.
Robert Budi and his longtime girlfriend, now wife.

Robert Budi is one personality you would easily expect to see as a TV host, actor, entrepreneur, fitness trainer, businessman, and model. He is also a wildlife conservation enthusiast.

He has previously acted as Trevor in the popular Citizen TV show, Maria, which undoubtedly brought him into the limelight. The show was watched by most Kenyan households throughout 2020.

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