Francis Atwoli biography, age, wives, children, career, home, net worth

Trade unionist Francis Atwoli

Francis Atwoli is a long-serving Kenyan unionist who is also a key figure in Kenyan politics. This Francis Atwoli biography shares the private and professional life with regard to his marriage, cars owned, houses and mansions, wealth, wives, children, salary, and life story. The Secretary-General of the Central Organisation Trade Union (COTU) has been holding the position since 2001.

Francis Atwoli awards and recognitions

He is a recipient of both the Elder of the Burning Spear (EBS) and the Moran of the Burning Spear, (MBS) awards in recognition of his role in Championing for Social Justice and has an honorary in Doctor of Humane Letters (Labour Relations) from Masinde Muliro of University of Science and Technology (MMUST).

Francis Atwoli career as a trade unionist

Francis Atwoli also holds other leadership roles. He is the General Secretary of the Kenya Plantation & Agricultural Workers Union and the President of the Pan African Labour movement, the Organization of African Trade Union Unity, OATUU. Francis Atwoli also adds up as a member of the National Labour Board of Kenya and Council Member of National Industrial Training Authority of Kenya (NITA).

Atwoli has been the COTU secretary general since 2001. He came to the limelight for his aggressiveness in defending the rights of Kenyan workers. He has on numerous occasions called out the oppression of civil workers, negotiating for better reforms in the interest of a conducive working environment in Kenya.

Francis Atwoli biography in summary:

  • Real names: Francis Lumasayi Atwoli
  • Place of birth: Kakamega County
  • Date of birth: June 6, 1949
  • Gender: Male
  • Zodiac sign: Gemini
  • Ethnicity: Black
  • Nationality: Kenyan
  • Francis Atwoli father: Under review
  • Francis Atwoli mother: Under review
  • Siblings: Under review
  • Occupation: COTU Secretary General
  • Twitter account: @AtwoliDza
  • Facebook account: @francis.mbs _

COTU Secretary Francis Atwoli biography

Francis Atwoli age and date of birth

Francis Lumasay Atwoli was born in 1949 6 June. He is currently 74 years old. He always celebrates his birthday on 6th June every year.

According to Nairobi Leo, Atwoli is famed for his flashy birthday parties. On June 5, 2019, rhumba musicians Evala Mbuta and Koko Nyboma immortalised the COTU sec-gen in a song dubbed Atwoli Birthday 6.6 which was followed by a huge party.

What is Francis Atwoli tribe and ethnicity?

Francis Atwoli hails from western parts of Kenya. He is of the Luhya tribe from Webuye. His a Kenyan national that has fought for labor rights for several years.

Francis Atwoli education background

Francis Atwoli attended St Mary’s School where he completed his O-level education. He proceeeded to Cavendish University in Uganda before winning a scholarship to ILO of International Labour Studies in France.

Later on, Mr. Francis Atwoli went to the United States of America and enrolled at George Mini Labor Centre in Maryland. He is also a graduate from the COTU Institute of Education in Limuru Kenya.

Francis Atwoli career background

Francis Atwoli started working in the 1960s, serving as a Senior Technician at the Kenya Posts and Telecommunication Corporation betweenn 1967 and 1986.

He also served in the Branch Secretary, Union of Posts and Telecommunication Employees between 1971 and 1986. Later, he served as Director of the Central Organization of Trade Unions for 8 years until 1994.

Atwoli then became the General Secretary of the Kenya Plantation & Agricultural Workers Union in 1994 and is still serving in the capacity.

In 2001, he became the Secretary General for COTU and has held the position ever since.

According to Naijabiography Media, below are the posts held by Francis Atwoli over his career:

  • Senior Technician at Kenya Posts and Telecommunication Corporation. (1967-1986)
  • Branch Secretary, Union of Posts and Telecommunication Employees. (1971-1986)
  • Director of the Central Organization of Trade Unions, Kenya. (1986-1994)
  • General Secretary of the Kenya Plantation & Agricultural Workers Union (1994-to-date)
  • Secretary General of the Central Organization of Trade Unions in Kenya (2001-date)
  • Chairman of the East Africa Trade Union Confederation (EATUC) based in Arusha, Tanzania (2005 till date)
  • Executive Board Member and now serving Vice President of the International Trade Union Confederation, ITUC, based in Brussels, Belgium (2005 to date).
  • President of Trade Union Federation Eastern Africa (TUFEA) based in Khartoum, Sudan (2005 till date)
  • Deputy President of the Organization of Africa Trade Union Unity (OATUU) based in Accra, Ghana (2005 to date)
  • Member of the National Labour Board of Kenya (2004-present)
  • Director of Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (2003-2009)
  • Director of National Bank of Kenya (2003 till date)
  • Vice President of the former ICFTU-AFRO in Nairobi, Kenya (2001-2007)
  • Member of the National Aids Control Council of Kenya (NACC) (2001-date)
  • Council Member of the National Industrial Training Authority of Kenya (NITA) (2001 till date)
  • Member of the Board of Trustees at the National Social Security Fund Kenya (NSSF) (2001-date)
  • Board Member of the Training Center of the International Labour Organization, Turin, Italy (2001 to date)
  • Board Member of the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization, (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland (2008 to date)
    President of the Pan African Labour Movement, the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) (2014 till date)

In 2020, Atwoli was at the forefront of championing the rights of workers after the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted economic activities in the country. He protested against employees retrenching their staff and called for pay cuts, but asked employers to engage with labour movements before effecting the same.

He also urged landlords to offer waivers to Kenyans rather than evict tenants from their houses.

Atwoli also mediated the row between the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and the Teachers Service Commission (TSC). KNUT had threatened to strike over teachers promotions and salaries. Atwoli also engaged the Ministry of Labour to solve the issue.

Political interests of Francis Atwoli

Francis On the political front, he pushed the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) agenda and lauded President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga for the handshake.

Francis Atwoli family life and marriage

Francis Atwoli is a polygamous man with several children.

Who are the wives of Francis Atwoli?

Francis Atwoli is the husband to three wives. The first wife of Francis Atwoli is Roselinder Simiyu, the second wife is Jenifer Khainza Atwoli, and the third wife is Mary Kilobi of KTN. Mary Kilobi first met Francis Atwoli in 2014 and they got married in 2018. There have been rumours online that Francis Atwoli married a 23 year old Muslim lady while celebrating his 71st birthday. The rumour has never been proven with some suggesting she is non-existent.

Atwoli first wife Jenifer Khainza
Atwoli first wife Jenifer Khainza at a past event
Reselinda Simiyu, Atwoli 2nd wife
Reselinda Simiyu, Atwoli 2nd wife
Francis Atwoli wife Mary Kilobi
Francis Atwoli wife Mary Kilobi

How many children does Francis Atwoli have?

It is believed that Francis Atwoli has seventeen children. Francis Atwoli sons include Lukoya Atwoli who is a professional psychiatrist and university lecturer at Moi University.

Francis Atwoli daughters include Rachael Atwoli, who is a commercial flight attendant and Malaika Atwoli.

Francis Atwoli net worth, wealth, salary, and properties owned

Francis Atwoli is a wealthy man with several properties in his name. Part of Atwoli’s net worth is stately mansions in Kenya’s major towns of Nairobi, Nakuru, and Kajiado. He also has a home in Kakamega.

Atwoli standing outside his home
Francis Atwoli wife Mary Kilobi

Some Kenyans speculate that his Kajiado home has a helipad and that the trade unionist has several helicopters.

Francis Atwoli’s net worth also includes several cars. Notably, he ownes a Mercedes Benz S300 model that retails between Kes 20 and Kes 30 million.

A Mercedes Benz S300, a car model owned by Francis Atwoli
A Mercedes Benz S300, a car model owned by Francis Atwoli

Francis Atwoli has built his wealth from his high salary of about Kes 2 million per month. This amount excludes allowances and his income from his businesses and investments. He has never declared his wealth and it is hard to estimate his net worth.

This Francis Atwoli biography tells of a story of dedicated family man, civil servant, and trade unionist in Kenya.