2022 list of Citizen TV news anchors – You love them

Jeff Koinange

Citizen TV is one of the most popular TV stations in Kenya. It has grown to command a large viewership that is only a dream for other television stations. The rise in popularity of Citizen TV can be partly contributed to the choice of news anchors.

Below is a list of Citizen TV news anchors:

Waihiga Mwaura

Waihiga Mwaura

Yvonne Okwara Matole

Yvonne Okwara


Jeff Koinange[JKLIVE]

Victoria Rubadiri

Victoria Rubadiri

Trevor Ombija

Trevor Ombija

Trevor Ombija has a decade experience in Journalism. He is a Journalism and Media Studies graduate from the University of Nairobi.

Lilian Muli

Lilian Muli

Swaleh Mdoe

Swaleh Mdoe

Mwanahamisi Hamadi

Mwanahamisi Hamadi

Mwanahamisi Hamadi is a Kiswahili news anchor and producer of the popular Mwanamke Bomba segment. Mwanahamisi has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Nairobi and over 10 yrs experience in journalism.

Nimrod Taabu

Nimrod Taabu

Mashirima Kapombe[longalonga]

Mashirima Kapombe

Jamila Mohammed

Jamila Mohammed

Lulu Hassan

Lulu Hassan

Rashid Abdala

Rashid Abdalla

While some of these TV personalities are popular, some are only known to Kenyans depending on which news bulletin they prefer. Very few media personalities can fluently present shows or report news in both English and Kiswahili.

Now you know who are the current Citizen TV media personalities.

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