Betty Kyallo bio, age, photos, children, boyfriend, cars, networth

Also known as: Betty
Real name: Betty Mutei Kyallo
Occupation: Media personality, News anchor, Journalist and entrepreneur
Birthday: 15th March 1989 (Age 33 years)
Nationality: Kenyan
Star sign: Pisces
Birth place: Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County, Kenya
Height: N/A
Children: Ivanna Okari
Net Worth: Ksh 7.9 million or $65998.33
Spouse: Divorced from Dennis Okari

Betty Kyallo car
Betty Kyallo car
Betty Kyalla and Nick Ndenda
Betty Kyalla and Nick Ndenda

Betty Kyallo daughter Ivanna

Betty Kyallo's baby daddy Dennis Okari
(c) The Insyder
Betty Kyallo spa and salon
Betty Kyallo spa and salon
Betty Kyallo Kulture reality show
Betty Kyallo Kulture reality show