Ali Hassan Joho biography, education, net worth, family, businesses

Hassan Joho

Ali Hassan Joho is former Governor of Mombasa County and has been serving as the Deputy Party Leader of the Orange Democratic Party (ODM).

Joho has positioned himself as the kingpin of the Coastal region.

Hassan Ali Joho was born on 26 February 1976 in Kisauni, Mombasa. He is currently 48 years of age.

Hasssan Joho education background

Joho sat for his Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) at Tom Mboya Primary School in 1988.

After a year at home, he joined Serani Secondary School and did his KCSE in 1993. Hassan Joho admitted that he scored a D- in his KCSE education and that he has since “turned it around” and attained two degrees.

He would later enroll for a certificate course at Kampala University. “I did a bridging course to enable me to join university. I did a diploma in 2007 which enabled me to join Kampala University and eventually graduated in 2013,” Joho revealed during the vetting process.

He said that he is currently pursing a Masters program from the Havard Kennedy School of Government.

Hassan Joho family, wife and children

Hassan Joho has been married to Madina Giovanni Fazzini. However, the two separated for nine years before ending their marriage officially. While filing for divorce, Hassan Joho’s wife said that their marriage was beyond reconciliation as it had broken down irretrievably with no chance of revival, according to The Star.

The two got married on February 11, 2011 and had two children, aged nine and eight years. Fazzin was his second wife. It is said that he separated from his first wife in a similar manner.

Hassan Joho net worth, businesses and sources of wealth

Hassan Joho has been a politician for more than 15 years. He has also been a flamboyant business man. Joho has interests in real estate, family owned businesses, and politics. His sources of wealth are from profits and salaries.