The copper coil is a safe contraception that doesn’t alter hormones

Photo by Cleyder Duque from Pexels

The copper coil is inserted directly into the uterus. It constantly emits small amounts of copper. As a result, the sperm are blocked on their way to the uterus and restricted in their mobility, so that fertilization does not normally occur.

In addition, the copper disrupts the structure of the lining of the uterus, so that no implantation takes place if fertilization is successful.

Advantages and disadvantages of the copper spiral

Since the copper spiral does not require hormones, the natural hormonal balance of the female body is not affected.

In addition, contraceptive protection is guaranteed for several years without the woman having to worry about it. The contraception is considered reliable.

The copper spiral can lengthen and intensify the menstrual period, sometimes there is pain or intermenstrual bleeding at the same time.

Rarely, the abdomen can become inflamed. If this is the case, medical treatment must be sought quickly, otherwise there is a risk of infertility.

Contraception with the spiral can also lead to ectopic pregnancies. If, which happens rarely, a fertilized egg nests in the uterus despite the IUD, you should see your doctor as soon as possible, who then must remove the spiral otherwise infections may occur during pregnancy.

When the IUD is pulled, a miscarriage occurs in about one fifth of the cases. However, the risk of this is even higher if the coil remains in the uterus.

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