List of county schools in Lamu County

Lamu County has only three county secondary schools.

Lamu County has about 18 county secondary schools. County schools in Kenya fall below extra-county schools in the national school ranking. There are hundreds of extra county schools in Kenya. County school institutions are part of the four-tier secondary school system in the country. This article lists the county schools in Kilifi County in no particular order.

Some of these schools are the best performing county schools in the Lamu region.

Here is a list of all the County schools in Lamu County:

  • 06104301 WITU SECONDARY SCHOOL  (Mixed).
  • 6118101    FAZA SECONDARY SCHOOL County (Mixed).
  • 06130101 LAMU BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL County (Boys).

All the county schools in Kenya admit students majorly from within the County they are located in. Admission of form ones is done through the Education Ministry’s Portal and the admission letters to these schools are downloaded from the Ministry’s website, which is

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