How to correct unusual salary deductions on TSC payslip

Most teachers in Kenya have complained of getting deductions for organizations they are not aware of. Whether this is deliberate or not only God knows. Some teachers have said they have had those unusual salary deductions on their TSC payslips for more than 20 years. They were not alarmed by the deductions because they thought they were genuine.

However, some of the salary deductions on TSC payslips are erroneous and should be corrected with immediate effect.

Some of these deductions go to institutions that those TSC teachers are not members of. Some of the most common of these institutions include Credit Africa, Amedo, defunct MITECO Sacco, and even the Higher Educations Loans Board (HELB).

There others too.

If you note any unusual salary deductions on your TSC payslip, follow the following steps:

  1. Visit the T-Pay portal page at
  2. View your payslip on the logged in page by clicking on the Latest Payslip among the menu options.
  3. Download the new TSC payslip or print it.
  4. Go through the payslip and highlight the unusual salary deductions on the TSC payslip by providing supporting evidence or notes. Maybe you are not a member of Credit Africa, or Amedo, or you just weren’t a beneficiary of HELB loans.
  5. You should then forward the highlighted payslip to any TSC Kenya online contacts.

Other things you should take note of are whether the salary amount on the TSC online payslip agrees with that mentioned in the contact and that it is sent to the correct station. You should also ensure that the PAYE in the payslips agrees to one in the P9 forms.

So how do you contact TSC Kenya to correct unusual salary deductions on your payslip?

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) can be contacted using the following options:


Phone Number: (020) 289-2000 0r 0722 208 552 or 0777 208 552



Physical offices: TSC House, Kilimanjaro Road, Nairobi, Kenya.

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