Zara Phillips biography, latest news, pictures

Zara Anne Elizabeth Philipps was born on May 18, 1981 in London. She is the daughter of Princess Anne and her husband Mark Phillips. As the granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II, she often attends official events. Since her marriage, she has often been called Mrs. Michael Tindall in these appearances. She is currently 16th in line to the British throne.

  • Full name: Zara Anne Elizabeth Philipps
  • birthday: 05/18/1981
  • Star sign:
  • Height: 168cm
  • Place of birth: Paddington

Zara Phillips grew up differently from her cousins ​​William and Harry. Neither she nor her brother Peter hold royal titles. This was at the express request of Princess Anne and her ex-husband Mark Phillips, as they wanted to keep their children out of the paparazzi’s line of fire. She has been married to Michael Tindall since 2011 and they have one daughter, Mia.

Professional and career background

Zara was educated at the Port Regis Prep School in Dorset and at the private Gordonstoun School in Scotland. The trained physiotherapist shares her love of horses with her mother Princess Anne and grandma Elizabeth II. She became European champion in 2005 and world champion in eventing in Aachen in 2006. She won silver with the British team at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. The medal was presented to her by her mother, Princess Anne.

Remarkable granddaughter to late Queen Elizabeth

The number 17 in line to the throne does not really fit into the image of the royal family: Zara loves rough jokes, likes to go out for a beer and had her tongue pierced at the age of 17. She is considered the Queen’s favorite granddaughter.

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