Amboseli National Park

Amboseli National Park main gate
Amboseli National Park main gate

Amboseli Park has been a wildlife sanctuary since 1899. In 1974 it was officially declared a national park. Its location directly at the foot of Kilimanjaro and its large herds of elephants make it a magnet for visitors.

Location and arrival in the Amboseli National Park

The Amboseli National Park borders in the south on Tanzania and on the largest mountain formation in Africa, the 5895 m high Kilimanjaro massif. At around 250 km, the park is the same distance from Nairobi and Mombasa. The travel time from both cities is about 7 hours. Guests who take part in a round trip or Kenya safari usually combine their tour with the Tsavo West National Park. For longer Kenya round trips, the national parks Tsavo East and Masai Mara are also approached.

Visitors coming from Nairobi drive through the main gate, Namanga Gate. Coming from Tsavo West one enters the Amboseli through the Kimana Gate. Other entrance gates are the Iremito Gate in the north-east and the Kitirua Gate on the border with Tanzania.

If you are traveling individually, you can travel by plane. Tsavo West, Mombasa, Nairobi and the Masai Mara are connected by means of an airfield, which is located in the center of Amboseli.

Amboseli National Park’s Flora and fauna

A fascinating view is offered to the visitors of the Amboseli. Mighty Kilimanjaro with its snow-capped peak looms over the plains of the sanctuary. The national park consists of several landforms. Lake Amboseli, which is an arid area most of the time, occupies a third of the area. Only after heavy downpours does the lake fill with water.

The Amboseli is known for its large population of elephants. Elephants are often seen wading through the densely overgrown swamps and are only half visible. Wildebeest, buffalo, zebra and gazelle can also be observed. Predators are less represented. With a bit of luck you can see lions, cheetahs, hyenas, and jackals.

The region is a real paradise for ornithologists: numerous bird species live here.

Best time to travel to Amboseli National Park and weather conditions

The Amboseli National Park is easy to visit all year round. The dry season is interrupted by two rainy seasons. The major rainy season occurs from mid-April to late June. Safaris are possible during this time, but some roads are impassable. The smaller rainy season is in November, whereby the phases vary from year to year or sometimes even stop completely.

Basically, you can expect a daily temperature of 26 °C and about 7 to 9 hours of sunshine in Amboseli. At night the temperature drops to around 12°C.

Camps and Lodges available at the Amboseli National Park

There are a number of guest houses to choose from – from lodges in the form of a hotel to small luxury tented camps. The hotel chains Serena and Sopa are represented with lodges as well as the Ol Tukai Lodge, which are often visited in the form of a round trip. More individual are tented camps like the Satao Elerai Camp, the Tawi Lodge and the luxury camp Tortilis.