Unpleasant smells during pregnancy: the nose becomes more sensitive

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Nose sensitivity is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. If you are particularly sensitive to unpleasant smells during pregnancy, you should be happy: a survey has confirmed that the sense of smell in pregnant women actually changes and thus helps to protect the unborn child.

When food spoils, it often smells bad before it changes its appearance. Unpleasant smells are therefore often perceived by the subconscious as a signal of impending danger. The sense of smell takes on a similar protective mechanism during pregnancy. Many women report that they suffer unusually from unpleasant odors during pregnancy. Researchers have found that increased hormone levels could be the reason for smell sensitivity during pregnancy.

Pregnant women recognize unpleasant smells earlier

Scientists from the Swedish University of Umea asked pregnant women about their smell perception. 70 percent said they suddenly found positive and neutral smells repulsive during pregnancy. A control study confirmed that women actually perceive lower concentrations of odorous substances during pregnancy. The researchers were not able to determine exactly how the sense of smell is intensified. It has only been proven so far that the sense of smell and the ability to smell can be influenced by hormones. The pregnancy hormones change the structure of the olfactory mucosa and thus the sensitivity to unpleasant smells. Further studies show that nausea and vomiting are mainly triggered by foods and ingredients

Protective mechanism is developed during pregnancy

The researchers therefore suspect that an “instinctive” protective mechanism is developed during pregnancy. Usually, the sense of smell changes in the first few weeks of pregnancy, since the fetus is particularly vulnerable during this period. So if you notice unpleasant odors particularly frequently during pregnancy, then you should trust your body. Just trust your instinct to know what’s good for your baby.


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