Kenyan celebrity kids already earning money

Some celeb kids are already minting bags of money and we can only sit on the sidelines cheering them or perhaps allowing the envy in our hearts to stew.

But We aren’t like that are we? We love watching everyone win because positive vibes are what we are all about.

It is actually a very smart evolution of showbiz business that their celebrity parents have realised that they could potentially pay for their own education and living standards with a little mentorship and help with posting on their IG accounts -let’s face it, a day old infant is not doing no posting on the app to endorse the products they have been contracted to.

So who are some of Kenya’s most successful celeb kids who are now in the ranks of rich kids? Let’s dive right in and have a look.

Ladasha Belle Wambo

Size 8 and Dj Mo’s daughter, Ladashabelle was the first infant to get a deal just days after she was born. Both she and her mother were signed onboard to market a diaper brand known as Softcare. And even before she was born, a hospital had reached out to Size 8 and offered to handle the pre and antenatal care.

Notice the headphones… It’s a masterful and subtle way to push that brand which is owned by Kenyan based producer, J. Blessingz.

Tugi Njugush

Mummy and daddy (Celestine Ndinda and Njugush) have started their own clothing line called BeKnit and who did they sign as their first influencer for the brand? Their very own son, Tugi. He is busy helping mummy and daddy secure the familial bag and loving every moment of working with them.

On top of that, he is part of the family package for Bountiful Safaris. Talk about your parents putting you in pole position to win at life.

Gweth Ombima

King Kaka and Nana Owiti’s daughter already has a contract to endorse Marini Naturals, a local hair and beauty cosmetic product that is the creation of Michelle Ntalami. She has been tasked with looking fabulous and showing off her flowing locks.

Heaven Bahati

She has to be the most hardworking child celebrity given how many endorsement deals she is engaged in. When she’s not popularising a clothing store then she is pushing health care plans courtesy of a city hospital:

She’s even pushing foodstuff along with her parents. And the list goes on. I tell you Heaven Bahati is one of the most hardworking toto celebs.

Yaani while I was busy playing with mud, these toddlers are earning enough money to even buy themselves state of the art phones. And to think that I, a fully mature adult, have to use a tululu because my phone was jacked while the matatu I was in snaked its way past Globe Cinema Roundabout.

In my next life my mother and father had better be celebs.